I gave my husband two choices for the theme of my nails and he decided on Pokemon shuffle. We're both huge nerds and are part of a Nintendo 3DS club. Pokemon shuffle is a game that Nintendo just created an icon for on our 3DSs in hopes that we'd all download it. Just about everyone in the club, with the exception of my husband, plays it.
The nails took quite a few hours to complete. I started too late and ended up being awake way past my bedtime, which wasn't good since I suffer from insomnia and am trying to have good sleeping hygiene. Oops!
I used Tiramisu from Sephora for the backgrounds of the nails. The other polishes used were You're so Vain-illa from OPI, white and black from the Models Prefer studs pack, No Room for the Blues from OPI, A-piers to be Tan from OPI, Brazen from Formula X, Gray Matter from Formula X, Bonna Blue from Fresh Paint, Sorry I'm Fizzy Today from OPI, a pale yellow frankenpolish I made a few months ago, Honolulu from Ulta 3, Red My Fortune Cookie from OPI, Bright Me from Ulta 3, and Wisteria from Picture Polish.
I made each pokemon by starting with the outlines, like a colouring book, using my smallest dotting tool. I then filled them in with their colours.

From left to right:
Marill- No Room for the Blues, black, white, and Sorry I'm Fizzy Toda
Pikachu- black, Honolulu, Red My Fortune Cookie, and Sorry I'm Fizzy Today
Swablu- No Room for the Blues, black, and white
Torchic- Honolulu, mixture of Honolulu and Bright Me (main part of body), Sorry I'm Fizzy Today black, and white
Pokeball- black, white, and Red My Fortune Cookie
Slowpoke- Brazen, franken light yellow, black, white, and Sorry I'm Fizzy Today (he was also really hard and I had to completely start over when he looked too much like a pig!)
Azurill- No Room for the Blues, black, white, and Sorry I'm Fizzy Today
Chingling- Honolulu, Tiramisu and Gray Matter mixed (cheeks), white, black, and a mix of Sorry I'm Fizzy Today and Brazen (pink in hair)
Illumise- Bonna Blue, No Room for the Blues, black, white, Sorry I'm Fizzy Today, franken light yellow, and Wisteria
This is adorable!