I was invited by Emma from
Emma's Space to take part in a Q and A. I thought it would be fun, so I decided what the heck and decided to do it.
1) What are you wearing?
My pajama pants, a t-shirt, and my gray fluffy jacket that I wear around the house to keep warm.
2) Ever been in love?
Yes and we're getting married in July!
3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
Nope. I'm lucky enough to be marrying my first love.
4) How tall are you?
5' 4.5" (That half an inch is important!)
5) How much do you weigh?
About 135 lbs
6) Any tattoos?
No, the sergeant from the State Police thought that was funny when I answered no to that question when I had to get fingerprinted for my background checks for my Australian visa. He apparently thought that was abnormal for someone in my generation.
7) Any piercings?
Only my ears, which were done when I was in kindergarten.
8) OTP? (One True Pairing.)
I don't really have one. I guess it would have to be something from Harry Potter, which is my fandom of choice, so I'll go with Ron and Hermione. My fiancé and I are sort of the Slytherin version of them.
9) Favourite show?
I watch too much tv to just pick one favourite. I suppose it is probably Survivor, but that depends a lot on the season since the people on the show always change. Modern Family is probably my favourite non-reality tv show, though.
10) Favourite bands?
Not a band, but my favourite songs are mostly from Glee. The show is horrible and I mostly watch it like a train wreck, but I like the songs. I mostly listen to songs from musicals/Glee, though.
11) Something you miss?
My fiance. I haven't seen him since early August because of visa and immigration issues that caused me to go back home to America and not go back to Australia yet. Hopefully they will be resolved soon, though, and I can make it back before our wedding!
12) Favourite song?
That's a tough one because my favourite song and the ones I listen to the most are not the same. My favourite song when I'm happy and want to sing is probably "In Summer" from Frozen. My all-time favourite song is Permanent by David Cook. It is a song that he wrote for his now-late brother that died of brain cancer. The year that David won American Idol is also the year that I was diagnosed with a brain tumour and had my own struggle with it, so the song hits close to home and makes me cry almost whenever I listen to it. For that reason, I hardly ever actually listen to my favourite song.
13) How old are you?
23 years old
14)Zodiac sign?
15) Quality you look for in a partner?
My best friend
16) Favourite quote?
"I guess some people are lucky enough to have been born in the right places; others have to find it."-
Winifred, 'The Last Big Attraction'
I always thought that I belonged in the first group because I loved the city where I grew up. Then I met my fiancé and knew that I belonged with him, which happened to be just about the exact opposite place on the Earth!
17) Favourite actor?
Darren Criss. I loved him in A Very Potter Musical and I was thrilled when he got cast in Glee.
18) Favourite colour?
Green, without a doubt. I'm a total Slytherin and love green and silver.
19) Loud music or soft?
It depends on the song and my mood. Usually I like it loud so that I can sing at the top of my lungs and dance!
20) Where do you go when you’re sad?
My bed so that I can take a nap or perhaps to wherever my dog is so that I can hug him.
21) How long does it take you to shower?
Around 15 minutes, but my dad seems to think that it takes me 3 hours. Maybe that's just because I'm usually blasting the Frozen soundtrack and it drives him crazy and makes him think that it's forever.
22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Probably 15 minutes. I usually shower at night so I really just need to get dressed and brush my teeth.
23) Ever been in a physical fight?
I've hit someone, but it's not something I'd care to talk about. It was at a very dark time in my life.
24) Turn on?
I'm weird and don't really have a turn-on.
25) Turn off?
Smoking, drinking, swearing, excessive muscles
26) The reason I started blogging?
My first blogs were when I was studying abroad and wanted my family and friends back home to be able to keep up with what was going on in my life. I started doing this blog because I started to get in to nail art and found other blogs. It seemed like a great place to keep all of my creations since I can't write a lot on the caption of the pins on pinterest.
27) Fears?
My dreams would suggest that I have a huge fear of losing my teeth. In real life, though, my biggest fears are clowns and tall people. I'm not really scared of tall people, per se, but they make my uncomfortable when they're standing.
28) Last thing that made you cry?
Probably missing my fiancé. Long distance relationships are hard.
29) Last time you said you loved someone?
30) Meaning behind your blog name?
I'm a huge nerd. It's just who I am. I also like to do my nails so I am a nerd and I have nails.
31) Last book you read?
Probably my epidemiology textbook about a year ago. I've read parts of books but I don't remember reading anything else since then. (Also, I really loved the epi textbook, so it's not as boring as it sounds!)
32) The book you’re currently reading?
I'm not reading one.
34) Last person you talked to?
My mom
35) The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My dad
36) Favourite food?
Hot wings. I make the best ones and they must have Frank's RedHot!
37) Place you want to visit?
As nerdy as it is, I want to go to London for two reasons.
1) To visit King's Cross Station Platform 9 3/4
2) To visit the Broad Street Pump, which was made famous by John Snow and the Cholera outbreak. It's important to epidemiology and I'm a huge epi nerd!
38) Last place you were?
Well, I didn't work today so I haven't left my house. I guess the last place that I was was my sister's new house. Her family moved this weekend to a new house, so it was a busy weekend.
39) Do you have a crush?
Um... does my fiancé count?
40) Last time you kissed someone?
If a dog counts, then today. If my mom counts, then last week. If you mean a romantic kiss, then August when I last saw my fiancé.
41) Last time you were insulted?
I have no idea.
42) Favourite flavour of sweet?
Usually strawberry or raspberry
43) What instruments do you play?
I took piano lessons as a kid, but I would by no means say that I can play it.
44) Favourite piece of jewellery?
My engagement ring. There's no competition.
45) Last sport you played?
Quidditch, yes, it's actually a sport that people play. I helped start the Quidditch team at Hope College and we even played other teams. The last time that I played was probably about 4 years ago, though. I just don't do physical activities.
46) Last song you sang?
I'm basically always singing a song whether it's just in my head or out loud, so I really don't know. I'm going to assume that it was probably something from Frozen, though. That or I was singing to my dog. I like to randomly put his name in songs.
47) Favourite chat up line?
Uhhh... I have no clue.
48) Have you ever used it?
Clearly not.
49) Last time you hung out with anyone?
Does my family count? We had a family reunion for my dad's side on Saturday because my cousin came up from Atlanta. Other than family, I really haven't hung out with anyone since my friend from college visited in November.
50) Who should answer these questions next?
I don't actually know anyone that has a blog and would answer these, so I'm just not going to put someone down.