Friday, January 30, 2015

Something You've Never Tried Before- Newspaper Nails

I sort of cheated with this because I've tried doing a map manicure with this same technique. That was a total fail! The polish just got sticky and the map didn't transfer at all. But this time I looked at the tutorial that CraftyNail posted. I also made sure that the white was really dry. I actually ended up taking a half hour walk with my husband as it was drying, so I knew it was good.

I also wasn't originally going to do this manicure, mostly because I didn't have a newspaper. Who gets newspapers any more? But then my husband and I were cleaning before Australia Day and found a random old newspaper. It was a USA Today from October 2012 and I wasn't even in America at that time nor do I read a newspaper!

Anyway, I cut out some pieces of newspaper that I liked. And it actually worked! There was still a bit of newspaper that stayed on my nails instead of just the image transferring. I'm still happy with it and will be trying it again in the future.

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